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01727 852 299
Making a Complaint

Making a Complaint

We make every effort to provide our clients with an excellent service, however we appreciate that sometimes things can go wrong and unfortunately our clients may be unhappy with the service they have received.

If you are unhappy with the service you have received and would like to make a complaint, then please follow the simple steps below:

Step 1

The first step you should take is to contact us in writing (so that you have a record of exactly what has been said). We are regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority, which means we must respond to your complaint within 8 weeks. We will respond telling you if your complaint has been successful or if we need more time to look into it.

To make a complaint directly to KDW please contact:

Marcus Maisey, Compliance Director
2nd Floor Centurion House,
136-142 London Road,
St Albans,

Email: marcus@kdw.co.uk or telephone: 01727 85 22 99

Step 2

If you are unhappy with our response, your complaint is rejected or you do not hear from us within 8 weeks, then you have the option of taking your complaint to the Financial Ombudsman Service.

The Financial Ombudsman offer a free and independent service for settling disputes between financial services firms and their clients. They will ask us to explain what we believe happened and then decide whether to uphold your complaint. If you are planning to contact the Financial Ombudsman regarding your complaint you must ensure that it is 8 weeks after you made your complaint to us and within 6 months of your receiving a final response from us.

There are several ways to make a complaint to the Financial Ombudsman Service:

By phone: 0800 023 4567
By email: complaint.info@financial-ombudsman.org.uk

Alternatively you can complete a form online:

For more information on making a complaint please visit the Financial Ombudsman’s website:

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